59 Revolutions Image Info

This image depicts the 1830s Belgian Revolution against the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. The image is an 1834 painting by Egide Charles Gustave Wappers and is in the public domain. Please visit Belgian_Revolution for more info.

This is an image of the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatzo. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Dalai_Lama .

An image of a woman holding up a CNT-FAI flag during the Spanish Revolution of 1936. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Spanish_Revolution

This image is a poster from the May 1968 Revolution in France. The caption translates to "Be young and shut up". This image is public domain. For more information please visit May_'68_Revolution .

This image is from a wood carving depicting Pernambucan rebels taking Recife, the capital of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. This image is public domain. For more information please visit Pernambucan_Revolution .

This is an image of the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit The_French_Revolution .

Cuban Revolution - this is an image of cuban guerilla fighters led by Fidel Castro during the Cuban Revolution. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Cuban_Revolution .

This image is of a 1980 Iranian stamp commemorating the Islamic Revolution of 1978. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Islamic Revolution .

This is an image of Polish astronomer Copernicus from the painting "Astronomer Copernicus: Conversation with God" by Jan Matejko in 1872. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Copernicus .

This image depicts the Battle of Snake Gully in 1802 as part of the Haitian Revolution, the most successful of many slave rebellions. This is in the public domain. For more information please visit Haitian_Revolution .

An image of Henry Kissinger from 1975. This is in the public domain. For more information please visit Henry Kissinger.

This is an image of Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge and Prime Minister of Cambodia. This image is public domain. For more information please visit Pol_Pot .

This is a portrait of abolitionist Frederick Douglass taken circa 1879. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Frederick_Douglass .

This image, by Benjamin Franklin, was used to encite the former colonies to fight against the British. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit American Revolution.

This image is of a sign that reads "You are in Zapatista Rebel Territory. Here the people give the orders and the government obeys" posted by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Mexican_Revolution .

An image from the KLA separatist war from 1996-1999. The image on the left is of a Tomahawk cruise missile launch and is in the public domain. The image on the right is of a Norwegian soldier in Kosovo taken by Thomas Berg. Kosovo War .

This is an image of Robert McNamara, secretary of defense during the Vietnam War. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Robert_McNamara .

This image depicts the Battle of Vinegar Hill during the Irish Rebellion of 1798. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Irish_Rebellion_of_1798 .

Cultural Revolution - This image is of the cultural revolution in China and depicts the communists entering Beijing. This image is in the public domain. For more info please visit Cultural_Revolution .

A painting referring to the Khmelnytsky Uprising in present-day Ukraine from 1648 to 1654 as painted by Jan Matejko in 1885. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Khelnytsky Uprising.

This image is of the Battle of Saint Eustache from the failed Quebecois Rebellion against British rule in 1837. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Quebecois_Revolution .

This image refers to the Algerian war of independence from 1954 to 1962, when Algerians fought for their independence from France. The image is an exerpt from the newsreel 'Algerie, 29 Juin 1962: Rocher Noir Edition Special' ORTF 30/06/1962 - 00h03m21s. Information on this is available at the Institut National de L'audiovisuel. For more information on the Algerian Revolution please visit Algerian Revolution.

Battle of Chacabuco - this image depicts the Battle of Chacabuco, in 1817 during the Chilean War of Independence, during which patriots fought and won against Spanish royalists. The original painting is by Pedro de Subercaseaux and is in the public domain. Please visit Battle_of_Chacabuco for more info.

This image depicts the Greek war of Independence from the Ottoman Empire as painted by Theodore Vryzakis. For more information please visit Greek_Revolution .

This image depicts the Battle of Wegrow, one of the most famous battles of the January Uprising against the Russian Empire. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit January_Uprising .

Berlin Wall - this image is of the Berlin Wall being torn down in 1989. It is a screenshot from a copywrited television program but use of the still image qualifies as fair use under copyright law. Please see Berlin_wall for more info.

This is a photograph of demonstrators at the Sultanahmet district of Instanbul in 1908 during the Young Turk Revolution. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Young Turk Revolution.

This is a poster from the Monterey International Pop Festival, a good example of the sexual revolution. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Sexual_Revolution .

This is an image of Senator Joseph McCarthy conferring during the Army-McCarthy hearings. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Joseph_McCarthy .

This image is the World October Revolution poster and is in the public domain. For more information please visit World_October_Revolution_Poster .


A portrait of Abraham Lincoln. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Abraham_Lincoln .

This is an image of Michael Collins, Irish revolutionary leader for the Irish Republic. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Michael_Collins .

A portrait of Henry David Thoreau, American author, philosopher and transcendentalist. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Henry_David_Thoreau .

Bem Demonstration - this image references the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 against the Communist government of Hungary. The image is of the October 23, 1956 demonstration in front the Bem Statue during which protesters read their manifesto. The image is from Hungary1956.com and is copywrited 2005 by the American Hungarian Federation. For more information please visit Hungarian_Revolution for more info.

This image is of Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat at the 1978 signing of the Camp David Accords. This image is taken from the National Archives and is in the public domain. For more information please visit Jimmy_Carter .

This is the image of the fatal shooting of Hector Pieterson during the Soweto rally to protest apartheid. This image is copyrighted to Sam Nzima in November 1998 and qualifies as Fair Use under US copyright law. For more information please visit Soweto Riots.

This photo is in reference to the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934. The Strike was led by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) against most of the Trucking Companies in Minneapolis. The photo is in the public domain, retrieved from the National Archives. Please visit Minneapolis_Teamsters_Strike_of_1934 for more info.

This image is a 1783 engraving from a Joseph Duplessis paining. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Benjamin_Franklin .

This is an image of Nanjing Road after the Shanghai Uprising, full with the Five Races Under One Union flag used by revolutionaries. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Xinghai_Revolution .

This is an image depicting the end of the successful Peasant's Revolt in England 1381. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Peasant's Revolt .

This is an image of Friedrich Engels, philosopher and co-founder of Marxism. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Friedrich_Engels .

This is the famous image of Rosa Parks on a Montgomery bus on December 21, 1956. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Rosa_Parks .

This image is the famed poster for the Portuguese leftist military led Coup D'etat in Lisbon in 1974. This image is taken from the Centro de Documentacao For more information please visit Carnation Revolution.

An image of the IRA's Proclamation of the Republic which was read by Padraig Pearse outside the GPO in 1916. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit IRA_Proclamation .

A painting by Boris Kustodiev painted in 1920 depicting the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. This is a public domain image. For more information please visit October Revolution .

This is an image of Cuban revolutionaries on horseback. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Cuban Revolution.

A portrait of Karl Marx, 19th century philosopher and author of the Communist Manifesto in 1848. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Karl_Marx .

This image depicts the Meiji emperor of Japan moving from the old Capital, Kyoto to the new capital, Kyoto at the end of 1686, leading to a cultural revolution. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Meiji_Restoration .

This is an image of demonstrators in Jakobstad during the Russian Revolution of 1905. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Russian_Revolution_of_1905 .

An image of Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid activist and leader of the African National Congress. This photograph is produced by Agencia Brazil. For more information please visit Nelson Mandela.

This is an image of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Confucius.

This image is John Trumbull's Painting of the Declaration of Independence being presented to Congress. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit American_Revolution .

This is an image of Chinese philosopher Laozi, Chinese philosopher and author of the Dao Te Ching. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Laozi .

A portrait of Darwin by Julia Margaret Cameron taken in 1868. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Charles_Darwin .

This is an image of Gandhi at the April 5th 1930 Salt March at Dandhi. It is in the public domain. For more information please visit Ghandi .

This is an image of Newcomen's steam powered atmospheric engine that helped lead the way for the industrial revolution. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Industrial Revolution .

This image is of a Polish insurgent using a Polish machine gun during the Warsaw Uprising by the Polish Home Army to liberate Warsaw from German occupation. This image is in the public domain. For more information please visit Warsaw_Uprising .

A picture of Edward Murrow, pioneer of news broadcasting whose series of news reports helped lead to the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy. This is a public domain image. For more information please visit Edward_Murrow .

An image of Martin Luther King, Jr meeting with Lyndon Johnson. This is a public domain image. For more information please visit Martin_Luther_King .